Today was mostly about getting the winter tyres fitted (would you believe it cost 860 Euros !) and, thereafter, travelling to Zurich for a reunion with a dear friend and her partner for dinner. The journey from Colmar took little more than two or three hours and I was soon parked up by the lake in Zurich and then trekking and using the local tram service across the city for our reunion but, more about that and Zurich later.
Colmar (and Eguisheim) was great and it wouldn’t be right to move on from such a charasmatic town without leaving a couple more photos (and a copy of a striking painting by the Baron Francois Pascal Gerard) that reflect some of the more cultural aspects of the place. As you well know, this trip of mine isn’t just about drink, food and pretty sights and/or sites…

Frederic August Bartholdi, a French sculptor born in Colmar renowned for designing “Liberty Enlightening the World” aka “The Statue of Liberty”.

Another famous son of Colmar was the Napoleonic General Count Jean Rapp who is shown in a painting by Francois Gerard presenting the captured Prince Repnin-Volkonsky to Napoleon during the Battle of Austerlitz.

Colmar Railway Station – I only show this because I passed it on the way to Eguisheim and it reminded me of the railway station in Gdansk, Poland.
Zurich tomorrow.
“and it is so close to Colmar………except by bike!!”
More jealous, day by day. If only you could have set off a month earlier. Cold, wet and windy in Stockholm, but at least I should see all the rugby and possibly some of the football on Saturday
Not too far from your current location, so try passing through Lindau, great small town on the side of Bodensee. Just south of Friedrichshafen
Stayed an extra day & night in Zurich, Steve, so unable to hang around now. I promised Gerhard I would be in Enzesfeld (near Vienna) by Saturday pm and that means my having to get to at least Munich by late afternoon today (nearly there now). The best laid plans of mice and men. I’ll be back this way sometime. Going forward, I’ve decided to stop planning my journey except on a daily basis – I’ve stopped longer than intended in Ypres, Colmar and now Zurich but, hey, so what!?! Speak to you soon.
Agreed about taxi fares. Mick would charge more.