And so, on our way to warmer climes, we arrived in Cambrils (some 20 kms south of Tarragona) and decided to stay for a couple of days. Our reasons were that (a) it was getting warmer by the day (and the forecast was even more promising) and (b) there is far more to Cambrils than L’Estartit (and for the most part it is open) and (c) and perhaps most importantly, we had arranged for a local vet to see Nala and Beanie about a Spanish Pet Passport (now that, because of Brexit, their existing EU Pet Passports have been rendered useless).
Our decision proved a good one. The fact is, we needed a rest. Ordinarily we take our time on these tours, driving as little as possible and fully exploring and/or experiencing the places we choose to stop at. That simply wasn’t happening on this particular tour. Storms and freezing weather across the whole of France compelled us to head south asap but; it was time to get back to doing things correctly and that day’s sunset promised great things…

We were staying at Camping La Llosa which sits on Playa La Llosa and is an easy 15 minute walk into the town. Cambrils could be described as simply another Spanish summer holiday resort, albeit one with 9 kilometres of 10 blue flag, golden, sandy beaches but; what sets it apart is it’s proximity to the three mountains of Llaberia, Argentera & La Mussara (for me, water and mountains go so well together) and it’s many fine restaurants (including at least one holding a Michelin star – the Ca L’Estrany).
We didn’t get to Ca L’Estrany but; on the seafront we discovered a friendly little restaurant (Braseria de Porte) with a very appealing menu and we sat and ate and stayed until they closed. Vanya rated her meal, which was Crayfish followed by a Seafood Paella, as one of the best of her life. I tried Razor Clams for the first time in my life but found them a mite rubbery. No matter, we would both recommend the Braserie de Porte.

The next day I went for a long walk along the coast to and from Salou – no reason other than that I fancied the exercise.

During my walk I stumbled across a rather intriguing work of art which I subsequently learned was created by David Callau Gene in 2011. They are sculptures of three fishermen and two mermaids and were put up to mark the 100th anniversary of a great storm which killed 140 Cantabrian fishermen, many of them from Cambrils.

Yes, we enjoyed Cambrils – as much for the rest as anything. And yes – we managed to get Spanish Pet Passports for the dogs. They now have dual nationality.