Tournai (Wallonia), Belgium September 2024 (Tour 10)

Tour 10 didn’t get off to the best possible start with the tail end of a storm out in the Atlantic hitting northern Europe just as we were leaving Brighton. Heavy rain followed us all around the M23, M25 and M20 to Dover and, while it paused for our ferry crossing, it resumed as we docked in Calais. Unfortunately, the weather oulook across most of northern Europe for the next few days is bad. Anyone who follows our tours in the Van will know that we follow the sun and for once we were unsure as to which way to turn. It would be a dash down through France to Spain (which we did earlier this year) or through the Benelux countries to central Germany (where Marburg is currently enjoying 30 degrees centigrade). We decided in favour of Germany, not least because we have friends touring there at the moment and I’ve long wanted to visit Marburg.

On this first day of Tour 10 we decided to keep driving until it stopped raining and so it was that we arrived in the French speaking town of Tournai, some 50 miles south west of Brussels. We arrived late in the afternoon which rather limited my initial tour of the city because most public buildings had closed for the day but, no matter, there was still plenty to see and, anyway, Vanya was more concerned that I find us somewhere to eat that night.

It took me 25 minutes to walk to from our camp site (Camping L’Orient) to the triangular shaped ‘Grand Place’ which was once the site of a large Gallo-Roman cemetery but now serves as the city’s main square and is clearly the centre of activity with it’s many bars and restaurants. Sadly, the “square’s” focal point, the 72 metre high 12th century Gothic style Belfry (the tallest of it’s kind in Belgium), was closed. This was frustrating as the tower would have provided some great views over the city. Timing is everything.

No matter. There is plenty else of interest on the Grand Place. Leaving aside the numerous examples of colouful Flemish architecture (Tournai is very close to Flanders Region), there is the 13th century Roman Catholic church of Saint Quentin; the Halle aux Draps (the Cloth Hall) with it’s beautiful gilt detailed facade; a series of fountains and; an imposing bronze statue of the Princess of Epinoy, Christina Van Lalaing, a Calvanist who led a brave but ultimately futile defence of the city against Spanish Catholic invaders in 1581. More than anything, the square is a great place to sit with a Belgian beer or two and people watch.

I was tempted to stop on the square for a quick beer but thought better of it. I needed to find a decent restaurant for the evening and; while the Grand Place has plenty of these, our German Shepherd, Nala, is handicapped and would find it difficult to negotiate the footbridges over L’Escault (the River Scheldt in Flemish) in her ‘walking-wheels’. I needed to find something on the other side of the river, closer to the campsite.

I headed back towards the river, pausing at the UNESCO World Heritage listed Cathedral of Our Lady of Tournai on my way. This beautiful 12th century Gothic style cathedral, with no less than 5 huge towers and a stunning 7 metre diameter stained glass rose window, was substantially damaged in 1999 by, of all things, a tornado. It has been claimed that this exceptionally unusual weather phenomenen caused 100 years of damage overnight. Small wonder that one whole side of the cathedral is still covered in scaffolding. I couldn’t gain entry, because the cathedral closes in the summer months at 17.15, and so took time to admire the bronze statue outside the cathedral of some blind pilgrims (Les Aveugles). I subsequently learned this striking monument was created by Guillaume Charlier in 1906. I’d never hear of him before but the detail on that statue is amazing.

From the cathedral I walked down to L’Escault and then along past what until 2003 was a ‘Redemptorist’ church to the Pont des Trous. I haven’t been able to determine what the old church building is used for these days but, not having heard of the Redemptorists, I did check them out. They are a Catholic congregation committed to missionary work which was founded in the 18th century by a certain Alphonsus Liguouri (canonised in 1839). You want to know more, you’ll have to look it up yourself but, he seems to have been an all round good egg.

The Pont des Trous is a 13th century bridge which was originally part of Tournai’s defensive walls. It’s quite photogenic but it wouldn’t do to get Nala across the river in her walking wheels. There is a road bridge further along which she would be able to navigate but, following this route, the journey from the campsite would be too much for her. We would be eating in the Van this night.

I took the obligatory photographs of the Pont des Trous and then made my way back to the campsite. There’s no doubt that I missed out on Tournai through arriving so late (I would have liked to visit the Hotel de Ville de Tournai, which occupies part of the former 11th century Benedictine Abbey of Saint Martin, and a number of other ecclesiastical buildings including the Eglise St Jacques and L’Eglise Saint Brice). There’s a lot of history there. Next time perhaps, weather permitting.

Dinant (Wallonia), Belgium July 2022 (Tour 6)

The schedule today was, by our standards, a heavy one. We would visit the two small Wallonian towns of Dinant and Durbuy and then overnight at the Luxembourg town of Echternach which sits on the River Our opposite Germany. One only has to cross the river from Echternach to be in the German town of Echternacherbruck.

In fact the only place we got to see was Dinant. We discovered a problem with the habitation door step which I couldn’t fix. It simply wouldn’t fold away. We could jam the step shut and make do without it but I was unable to stop the door step alarm from emitting it’s monotonous, high pitched, ear splitting, “Your door step is not shut” buzz. Trust me, you cannot suffer that noise for long; we had to find a mechanic! We found one in Namur and he was able to perform a temporary fix but by then we were already an hour or so behind schedule. Then we went shopping for food (that we didn’t really need, did we Vanya?!?) first at Carrefour and then Delhaize and that set us back a further 90 minutes. I’ve never met a woman who loves Continental supermarkets like Vanya. Once, in Santiago de Compostela I dropped Vanya off at a large Carrefour while I walked into the city centre to visit the Cathedral. I returned three hours later and she was still shopping. God’s truth, I even had to wait for her!

Sorry, I digress. We’d still make Dinant but Durbuy was now compromised and we’d probably not make Echternach but, so what? This is the beauty of motorhoming – such plans can be broken.

This photo captures the heart of Dinant. There’s the Citadel on the rock overlooking the town. The large church to the right of the photo is the 13th century Collegial Notre-Dame de Dinant. The line of cafe bars next to the River Meuse are on the Boulevard Leon Sasserath

The area around Dinant is made for hiking and cycling but Dinant itself is small enough to see in just half a day even allowing for a long lunch in one of the welcoming bars on the Boulevard Leon Sasserath and that’s about how long we stayed. After crossing the Charles de Gaulle bridge to take the above photograph we were happy to just sit and relax with a small beer and make small talk with the locals.

The local sites which do perhaps warrant a visit are the Citadel (which is now a museum and can be accessed by a staircase of just over 400 steps or by the cable car), the 13th century Collegiate Church of Notre Dame (which can be accessed by the side door and it’s centrepiece is it’s large stained glass window), the Maison de Leffe (a place of homage to the world famous Leffe beers which were brewed in this old convent but which are now produced in Leuven) and the Maison de Monsieur Sax (Dinant was home to Adolphe Sax who created the saxaphone and – there are countless saxaphones dotted around Dinant).

By early evening we were in Wiltz just inside Luxembourg having decided that Durbuy and Echternach could wait until another day. Thank you Dinant.

Namur (Wallonia), Belgium July 2022 (Tour 6)

Namur (Namen in Dutch), nestled at the confluence of the Meuse and Sambre rivers, was settled well before even the Romans arrived but it came to prominence in medieval times and is now the capital of the province of Namur in the Wallonia Region.

Dominating the city is an enormous fortress, the Citadel. It is supposedly one of the mightiest fortresses in Europe but that would have been only up until medieval times; the Citadel didn’t fare at all well in any the Napoleonic or the First or Second World Wars. You can drive up to the Citadel (there’s plenty of parking) or you can use the cable car system operating out of Namur’s Old Town but, I chose to use one of the many walking routes. After all, this is Belgium and there simply aren’t any tall hills here. It didn’t take long to reach the top but I didn’t stay long. There was a fair underway and far too many visitors for my liking although, at a quieter time, I could have stayed, not because there is anything particularly impressive to see on the hill (it is just massive sprawling fortress) but because of what is underneath it. Napoleon called it ‘the termite mound of Europe’ due to it’s network of underground passages. Some 500 metres have been restored. Now that would have been interesting.

After the Citadel, Namur (at least for me) is about its food and in particular Wallonian Cuisine. The old town is full of cafes and restaurants offering a rich variety of foodstuffs. The foods which most caught my attention (I don’t think local beers qualify as foodstuffs?) were the mustards and the snails (not together I hasten to add). Belgium offers a host of different mustards but the one I like most is local to Namur, Bister’s L’Imperiale. It’s made only with mustard seeds. There are no enhancers nor colourings and it has a robust tangy flavour with just an edge of sweetness which is fabulous with salami. The other food to be sampled in Namur are the snails (I always think they sound more palatable if you use the French word ‘l’escargot’) and l’escargot I am referring to are the petit-gris which are farmed in and around Namur. In fact, the petit-gris has long been the symbol of Namur. Now, l’escargot petit-gris warmed in a little garlic butter… yummm.

So what else is there to say about the city? Our interest was with the old town so, after parking the Van up in a space underneath the Citadel on the Avenue de la Plante, we made our way back along the banks of the River Meuse to where it meets the Sambre and entered the old town through the Rue du Pont. This brought us directly to the town square where the imposing Palais de Congress, previously the stock exchange, stands.

There is a curious group of bronze statues on the square, directly in front of the Palais de Congress – two characters invented by the Belgian cartoonist Jean Legrand (Francwes and Djoseph, sic) have caught two snails; one is imprisoned in a cage and the other is on a lead. This scene is supposedly a reference to Namur’s particularly slow place of life (with the snails being restrained such that they don’t race away). If nothing else, they proved a conversation piece and provided Vanya with a photo opportunity for Beanie.

To the west of the Palais de Congress are a jumble of cobbled lanes and squares which are home to a range of fashion boutiques (especially on the Rue de Fer and the Rue de Bruxelles) and countless cafe bar restaurants. This area is our favourite part of the old town. The Baroque Cathedral of St Aubin and the Jesuit Church of St Loup are also located in this part of the old town but I wouldn’t list either building as a ‘must see’.

One building I would like to have visited during our visit but didn’t make sufficient time for is the Felicien Rops Museum which is also in the old town. Rops was a prolific and versatile 19th century Belgian artist, born and raised in Namur, who was a pioneer of Belgian comics (although he is perhaps best remembered for his erotic and occult art). Sods law, I read (only after we had departed Namur) that entry to the museum is free on the first Sunday of every month – that was today! Next time…