I think the worsening weather (heavy rain returned last night) has caused my appetite towards visiting yet another village in this immediate area to dissipate somewhat because I didn’t really enjoy the small town of Varennes sur Loire yesterday. In fact, it is about as interesting as Swindon on a bad day. I googled the town to see if I had missed anything but no; ‘France This Way’ says very little about the place and, instead, describes other places to visit in the area – Montsoreau, Candes Saint Martin, Fontevraud, etc. So, we have decided to head further south tomorrow (once we have witnessed the Olympic Flame being run through Montsoreau on it’s way to Paris for the 2024 Olympics). Brighton has been wet for the best part of six months and we don’t need more of the same in France. We want to see and feel the sun.
Varennes sur Loire is a rural town located on the north bank of the Loire. To get there I had to cross the same narrow bridge that I drove over nearly a week ago to reach Montsoreau. I thought it narrow that first time (having to bring both wing mirrors in) but it seemed narrower still walking across it. The bridge is strewn with broken mirrors and pieces of plastic.

I found little in Varennes to interest me and because of the impending rain stayed little more than half an hour. There’s an interesting little nature park for the children but otherwise…